Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sauvie Island Pumpkin Patch

It was a gorgeous day today. It felt kind of strange going out to the pumpkin patch in our shorts and t-shirts, but it was really nice that we didn't have to get all muddy picking out our pumpkins this year! Tristan was the perfect age to enjoy all that the farm had to offer!

Riding the Cow Train

Mom was a little big for this ride!

Tristan & Austin during our lunch break.

Of course we had to go on the hayride!

This pumpkin is perfect, but a little heavy!

Tristan sees the tractor coming back to pick us up from the pumpkin field.

Austin 6 months old!

Hard to believe half a year has gone by already. Our little baby is growing up so fast. At his doctor's appt on Friday, he measured 17-1/2 lbs, 28" tall, and 45cm head circumference. Interestingly, his height and head circumference were the same exact measurements as Tristan's, but Austin is a couple pounds lighter than his hefty big brother was at 6 months.

So much has changed in the last couple of weeks. Austin can now sit up on his own, at least for a little while before toppling over. He doesn't stay on his tummy for more than a few seconds before rolling over, always to his right. He also slept a record 11 hours straight a couple of nights ago, so we are all thrilled! Last week we started feeding him some rice cereal, which he seemed to love at first, but now isn't so keen on it. We'll just take it slowly...hopefully we can avoid any food allergies with him.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Labor Day Zoo Visit

We went for a quick visit to the zoo on Labor Day with our friends Tiffany, David, and Zach. It was super crowded so we only had time to do a couple of things -- see the new baby elephant and go on a train ride. But it was worth the trip anyway!