Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday to Tristan!

Meet Tristan, the 4-year old goofball. Mom says "Smile for your birthday pictures!" Tristan says...

"Like this?"

"Like this?"

"Like this?"

"But Mom, I don't want to smile!"

"OK, there, now can we go do something else?"

"Yum, chocolate cupcakes!"

"You wanted to see a smile?"

Thanks to everyone who sent birthday gifts! There was quite the pile waiting when Tristan got home from school. The first thing he said was "Wow, did Santa come today?"

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Can 2 snowboarders teach a kid to ski?

Apparently so. We took advantage of a beautiful day up on Mt. Hood to introduce Tristan to the art of downhill skiing. Only problem was, Lloyd and I haven't skied since we both picked up snowboarding over a decade ago. Can't be that difficult though...all they have to do is learn how to snowplow, right?

Well the first time, about a quarter of the way down the kiddie slope, with my back aching, quads and arms burning from holding him up from behind as he leaned way back on me while trying to let him slide down the hill, I thought to myself, there's no possible way this was going to work. At that point, we ran into a Meadows instructor giving someone else a lesson on the slopes, and he said to me "He'll lean on you for support all day long if you let him...", to which I thought "DUH!", but then he added a helpful tip "Why don't you stand in front of him instead of behind, and let him come to you".

Aha! That was the trick. So after I carefully set his skis in a snowplow, or 'pizza' as they call it at Meadows, I backed up about 10 feet or so, and what do you know, he actually stayed upright and skied to me. After another run of doing this routine, I realized that he could actually go much further and faster than I expected. I decided to just let him go as far as he could, and to my amazement, I found myself sprinting after him as he zoomed past me and kept on going all the way down to the bottom of the hill.

It was a fantastic day. No major spills, although there was a close call with little bro Austin on one of our last runs the end (see video). And Tristan learned how to ski -- yippee! He had so much fun, we blew right through nap time, and probably would have been able to go until the shift end if only Austin wasn't in desperate need of a nap at that point. Until next time...maybe snowboarding??? I did see really little kids on boards, so perhaps we can try this sooner than we expected :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Austin turns 2!

Back from a long hiatus from the blog. Sorry, we have just been far too busy the last 6 months! The scary part about being busy is that time flies even faster. I have suddenly been hit by the realization that I no longer have babies anymore. Maybe you have all seen it happen gradually, but for me it is somewhat of a shock. I am slowly coming to terms with getting rid of all of our baby stuff, which is quite an emotional task for an extreme pack-rat like myself.

Anyhow, today Austin turned 2 years old. Hard to believe. He's a big boy now, although he is much smaller physically than Tristan was at this age. His strong personality makes up for his size though. Much more rebellious and devious...and dramatic...oh, the drama! Gotta love it.

The boys get along fairly well these days, at least for a few minutes at a time :) They are actually able to converse with each other now, which is quite amusing. Tristan is very protective of his little brother. We are very fortunate to have had them so close in age.

Life is good. Today was a beautiful spring day. Hoping to start planting our vegetable garden soon.

Big brother T

Wow, candles are cool!

What happened to all the strawberries???

The strawberries are in my belly, of course!