Saturday, November 29, 2008

November Update

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Tristan turned 2-1/2 yesterday, and Austin is now 8 months old! Tristan is now officially potty trained during the day -- YIPPEE! He pretty much did it himself, so we were really lucky it was so easy. Austin is scooting around a bit, and can almost pull up to a stand by himself! We hit a few bumps in the road the past few weeks with a few minor colds, and Austin catching a more severe virus last week. Hopefully we can all remain healthy for a while now. We are busy getting ready for our big vacation to Maui on Tuesday. Looking forward to a week of doing absolutely nothing!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Tristan got the whole Halloween thing this year...everything from carving pumpkins, wearing costumes, trick-or-treating, handing out candy. It is so fun to see him enjoying the entire experience! Austin was a good sport too, and wore his Nemo costume without any complaints. We went with an Under-the-Sea theme this year -- check out our jellyfish costumes below! We also had a few friends over. All the kiddos were so cute, even the 2 that were still in their mama's bellies! Just think, by this time next year our group will probably be 50/50 kids to adults!

Austin 7 months old

I'm a few weeks behind, but here are some pics from when Austin turned 7 months old on October 23. Tristan and Austin are such good buddies already. Tristan loves to bring toys to his little brother and also gives him big hugs and kisses. We've even seen Tristan change Austin's bib when it was all wet, and they were playing by themselves in the family room!

Austin has made a lot of progress in the last few weeks as well. He can now flip over from his back to stomach, is pushing up to his hands and knees, can scoot backwards, and has his first 2 teeth. Whew, that's a lot in one month!